
Nov 10, 2012 19:15

On to the next location, wonderful Sydney. Once again, I have series of similar pics at my favourite angles/moments rather than bring more variety at the cost of lower quality. These are the highlights, though by no means an exhaustive collection of them. I have no pics of the most exciting bit, the BridgeClimb, as participants are not allowed to carry cameras (dropping one would be a serious risk to the traffic and to any pedestrians below).

Opera House from the southeastern bridge tower, with the Botanical Garden on the upper right hand side

The bridge as seen at the start of the climb - you can see the steps and the two groups of people on either side. The climb goes to the midway point, starting at the southeastern tower and ending at the southwestern one - you end up on the same side of the harbour as you started.

aerial view from a seaplane tour, with the Botanical Garden centre shot and downtown Sydney behind it

evening views from the tower observation deck (reflections are a bitch...)

the Opera House again

...and the bridge again

Downtown on a clear and a rainy evening, respectively

Sunrise on a cloudy day - I went for a very early walk and went crazy photographing the Opera House against the cloudy background.

Same morning, a view of downtown Sydney

Somewhat similar angle, different morning, from the Botanical Garden

The Opera House up close

The following dozen or so were all taken on a rainy evening during a light show on the bridge. The rain and mist made the effect much more dramatic, like a rock concert stage, and I could not stop taking pictures of the different light patterns. Now that I have done a search, I have realised that light shows of this magnitude are a rare occasion, reserved for New Year, Australia Day (which this was close-ish to the eve of), and the like. I toyed with the idea of putting up a fictional show for the heroes to look at, but ultimately let it go.

Next stop, Bangkok...
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