Hot soup is life. When I travel i always try to get some soup in the airports - it feels like true food, especially when compared with airport sandwiches, salads, etc.
In some airports you can get a choice of real food, for example in Dubai or Amsterdam, but not in Paris. The best i usuallly manage to find here is an EXK cafe...
By the way in the EXK cafe in CDG they sell Ubuntu Cola - I wonder if it is open-source too?
«Ubuntu Cola» 03.06.10
Now this is Africa. Im sitting by the departure gates to Abeche from Ndjamena, and suddenly a 10 centimeter bug crawls from under my seat and continues to purposefully travel across the departure hall of the International Airport of N'djamena. No one paid much attention to it.
Дописываю этот пост уже из Абеши aka Одно-из-самых-скучных-мест-на-земле. Зато тут есть люди, которых я уже несколько лет не видел. Сегодня пойдем в баню к русским военным. ))
Покажу еще фоточку багажного транспортера в Нджамене. Он, видимо, именной: