About Africa

May 17, 2006 10:34

Africa can cast a spell that makes Merlin look like an amateur. It can grab you from half a world away, pull you to its bosom, and as you spend your last night there prior to going home you find that you miss it already. 
It has a way of simplifying things, of making you realize what's really important to you; and it can convince you that the very best part of yourself will remain there, waiting for you to return and redeem it. 
It can also drive you crazy, and break your heart again and again. It can show you beauties undreamed of, and horrors equally unimagined. It is vibrant with life, both human and animal, yet no continent presents such a constant and uncaring display of death.

(an excerpt from a Foreword to "A Blonde in Africa" by Mike Resnick)

P.S. I have to say that it is very much so. Sergio thinks so too.

texts, africa, various, quotes

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