May 15, 2011 15:35
I have an idea.
You know how right now there's a trend in music: the free exchange of songs, albums and ideas? The benevolent acceptance of all our interconnection. Now that the internet has been around for some time, we are collectively seeing the value of the interconnection. How creative trends are spawned and spread around the world. How being remarkable has a global implication. Just like creating a viral video, one can create a viral design. Something that can be used to inspire and burgeon from further, to build upon. What if we did that for the world of architecture and building design.
The internet has brought with all of its practical implication a new era of free idea exchange. This idea exchange has rippled throughout all the arts, from print media and writing, to painting and photography, to music and movies. People are taking their creativity and giving it away. Everyone benefits from the altruism. The world is better when we create, add it to the creative salad bowl online, and option the world to seek it out.
The idea needs a simple ingredient, one that's difficult to achieve, but necessary to move society. The ingredient Seth Godin describes as "remarkable." It cuts through criticism, filters and corporate sway. Being remarkable, creating something remarkable, is what we yield when we send links to each other, when we get on-board with new creativity, intellectualism and philosophy. Remarkable is docile, unknowing, cuts through the feeble and acknowledges the audience--dumb and educated--rises above and awaits just scrutiny.
Everything improves when we all have access, freely. We mutually benefit from the exchange of creativity and collective inspiration. We learn and find ways the alter ideas, make them better, make them worse-briefly, but ultimately find another way to improve the idea until there's nothing left to do other than start fresh and create something new.
Now, turning to one of the most expensive things a person can create for himself, building a home, shouldn't escape the thrust of creative freedom.
Design software can be downloaded freely. Construction and architectural textbooks and design manuals can be downloaded freely. Anyone may choose to learn anything for free and become an expert any field. This is a product to the idea and information renaissance.
The idea is simple, to create a website to harvest, store and catalog (for free) that creativity. To bridge the gap and offer everyone the capacity to create a place to live and share that exciting edifice with eager peers.
Think of the creative implications. Think of the unbridled design and engineering resurgence. It will drive a new world of design, infusing the places where we feel the most strength and comfort, our homes, fostering new challenging designs and opening dialogs about inspiration, form, sustainability and building conscious structures that exist in parallel to their environment.
We start small and go from there.