Sep 19, 2009 19:22
I'm sitting here in my living room with a nice drink (red bull/vodka) and reading fic after fic while adding them to my favorites. I remember when I first discovered Spuffy fan fiction and the thrill of just going through the archives of never ending stories.
I'm completely in love with the Twilight fan fic archive 'Twilighted'. So many wonderful stories, and the amount of reviews the authors are getting is absolutely breath-taking. I spotted a twenty-something chapter fic that had received over 4000 reviews. I'm not kidding.
I've found so many WIP stories on that site that is just my type of fics, and I do my best to let the authors know how much I enjoy their work. I also hope to be able to contribute something of my own eventually.
There's a lot of talking and warnings on the site about 'lemons' that I don't quite understand and I feel kinda stupid to ask. I'm pretty sure it has to do with sexual contents, but if someone here's familiar with the concept, please fill me in!
As for the actual Twilight books, I've started reading Breaking Dawn, about to start on chapter 11. Not sure how I feel about it so far. I'm not too keen on reading JPOV (Jacob, not Jasper).
I was actually deeply disappointed about the missing sex scenes, guess I've been reading too much fan fiction and blocked out that these books are also meant for younger people. *sigh* Oh well, that's what fics are for, I suppose.
I am actually writing on my Spuffy story in between reading, and hope I'll be able to finish it before the year is over. *lol* I've just started writing chapter 32 and it involves one of those scenes I absolutely dread to write. (If you know me, you know what I'm talking about)
Wow, this turned out to be one long entry, guess I just had a lot to get out of my system. Now I'm gonna go out to the kitchen and get myself another drink. Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend. I'm stuck with a stubborn cold myself. Which means I'm allowed to spend all day in front of my lap top. :D