[OOC//MEME] Relationships Post

Mar 20, 2014 17:08

: Target Lock. Preparing to destroy... ☇ Enemy

: [warning look] ☇ Dislike

: [disgruntled look] ☇ Distaste

: ... ☇ Coexistence {DEFAULT}

: ...Is that so? ☇ Tolerable

: Quit being irritating. ☇ Like/Friend

: Relena... Omae o korosu. ☇ Love/Devotion


Name: Relena Peacecraft/Darlian |

(Notes: There is nothing I wouldn't do.)

Name: Odin Lowe |

(Notes: Did you just want to tell me that? Maybe now you can rest peacefully.)

Name: Duo Maxwell |

(Notes: Don't do that again.)

Name: Trowa Barton |

(Notes: ...I should have asked more about what happened.)

Name: Quatre Raberba Winner |

(Notes: Glad to have you back.)

Name: Chang Wufei |

(Notes: He'll be fine.)

Name: Zechs Merquise |

(Notes: Miserable bastard. Put the bottle down once in awhile, would you?)

Name: Lucrezia Noin |

(Notes: At least there's someone with a brain around here.)

Name: Lady Une |

(Notes: I'll work with Preventer but I still won't join. Constantly drinking- Seriously? Tch.)

Name: Treize Khushrenada |

(Notes: As it should be.)

Name: Dorothy Catalonia|

(Notes: Ugh.)

Name: Chang/Long Meilan「Nataku」 |

(Notes: Chang's (formerly) dead wife, apparently. Seems she was meant to be the pilot, not him.)

Name: Badou Nails |

(Notes: I'm sorry. I can't play this game anymore.) | 殺

Name: Ran Fan |

(Notes: Nudge her to speak frankly. Puts on the politeness too much. Gets in the way.)

Name: Shinjiro Aragaki |

(Notes: Not a bad guy but has a knack for self-righteous lectures. Weakness for cute things. "Persona" powers- able to summon a creature called 'Castor'. Was dying, but seems to be recovering, now.)

Name: Polly |

(Notes: Fascinating powers- able to create any non-living object that she's seen. Also has an array of mental abilities- telepathy, empathy. She's become difficult to perceive.)

Name: Ling Yao/Greed |

(Notes: Dual-persona. Mostly harmless, though combat abilities high. Ling: Prince of a China-analogue. Can sense lifeforce. Greed: Homunculus, capable of hardening his skin to diamond-hardness and regenerating from death; lives up to his name.)

Name: Kon Shinonome |

(Notes: Should have shot him...)

Name: Heine Rammsteiner |

(Notes: Badou's partner. Genetically altered implicitly similarly to me, though no evidence of such. Probably efficient. ...Empathize with.)

Name: Cho Hakkai |

(Notes: ...It's not my business. Has healing powers.)

Name: Shion Uzuki |

(Notes: I wouldn't have minded speaking with you more.)

Name: Luke fon Fabre |

(Notes: "Replica". More complicated than he seems. His will is good, but he's got no self-preservation. Still don't get what someone like him wants with Badou. ..Do not share sensitive information with- he blabs. I wish I could have spoken with him more. Was more perceptive than he appeared.)

Name: Jade Curtiss |

(Notes: Christ what a dick. And naive to pull the others into his baseless hope. He's lucky I managed to uncover the scam.)

Name: Genkaku |

(Notes: Eliminate.) | 殺

Name: Yotsuba Koiwai |

(Notes: Weird, but remarkably innocent. Protect.)

Name: Koiwai-san |

(Notes: Yotsuba's father. Respectable person.)

Name: Russia/U.S.S.R. |

(Notes: "Nation." Circa A.D. 20th Century "Cold War" between the USSR and USA. Mentally unstable. Seems to be fine around children, but don't trust. Keep an eye on.)

Name: Ukraine |

(Notes: "Nation." Circa A.D. 20th Century "Cold War" between the USSR and USA. Kind, gentle, a bit overly sensitive. Duo and her have a thing- keep an eye on them.)

Name: Belarus |

(Notes: "Nation." Circa A.D. 20th Century "Cold War" between the USSR and USA. Obsessed with Russia. Also seems unstable- keep an eye on.)

Name: Ran Yakumo |

(Notes: Sensible. 9 tailed fox spirit, like in the old lore.)

Name: Edward Elric |

(Notes: Alchemist, capable of manipulating metals. Smart, sharp. Ally of Ling and Ran Fan. We seem to share similar ideas after all.)

Name: Riza Hawkeye |

(Notes: Nice shot. Gets too distracted when Mustang is involved, though.)

Name: Aphrodite |

(Notes: The Greek goddess. Shown herself to be dangerous. Avoid unless absolutely necessary.)

Name: Tear Grants |

(Notes: Luke's girl. Smarter than him. Has healing powers.)

Name: Danny Fenton |

(Notes: Powers. Same person as that 'Danny Phantom' character, doesn't seem to think anyone knows. Not a bad kid. No reason to out.)

Name: Aoko Nakamori |

(Notes: Father was a cop. Naive civ.)

Name: Bruce Wayne |

(Notes: Bat. -further data omitted-)

Name: Lucifer Morningstar |

(Notes: Lucifer, huh? Interesting guy. No longer in charge of hell, apparently.)

Name: A. J. Crowley |

(Notes: A demon. An asshole (to be expected), but interesting and has a sense of humor.)

Name: Shinpachi Shimura|

(Notes: ...I don't even want to know.)

Name: Kotarou Katsura |

(Notes: Samurai. Terrorist. Bomb expert. Thick-headed. Stubborn. Moronic. By the book.)

Name: Zexion |

(Notes: Watching. Won't act until I'm forced to be involved. However distasteful his methods, I agree with some of his ideals.)

Name: Aoyagi Ritsuka |

(Notes: I guess there are worse people I could have accidentally adopted.)

Name: Han Solo |

(Notes: Pilot. Nice ship.)

Name: Medic |

(Notes: You couldn't injure me enough to go to this guy for treatment.)

Name: Ratchet |

(Notes: Sentient mobile suits, huh.... "Cybertronian" medic.)

Name: Renge Houshakouji |

(Notes: Ugh.)

Name: Sakura Haruno |

(Notes: Ninja, specializing in medicine. In with the bats. Relena as well. Usually rather tolerable.)

Name: Meer Campbell |

(Notes: Military doll (idol singer for troops). Comes from a world with mobile suits and Gundams, but doesn't seem to know anything about us. Mentioned organizations, nations, people mirroring our own. "ZAFT" = OZ, "Orb" = Sanc, "Lacus" = Relena? Owns a pink Leo-type mobile suit and a small red pet-like robot, but is apparently not a pilot. Still amounts to a threat despite appearances. Keep an eye on.)

Name: Tali'Zorah vas Normandy |

(Notes: Alien woman of a race called "Quarians". Apparently a race of tech-heads. Superior tech, has a weird holographic interface with her. Wanted to know about the Gundams, and was snooping. Keep an eye on.)

Name: Dorochet |

(Notes: Relena's roommate. Chimera, old friend of Greed's, part dog, heightened senses take showers after being with Relena to counteract. No threat so far. ..Does not play fetch.)

Name: Kaylee Fry |

(Notes: A ship mechanic with a large spacecraft in the hangar called Serenity. Annoying and nosy. Doesn't seem to be a bad person, though.)

Name: Anemone |

(Notes: Pilots a suit called 'TheEND'. Interesting to talk to, at times.)

Name: Jason Todd |

(Notes: Has a grudge against Bruce; formerly his 'sidekick', but comes from a different version of reality as him. Likes to run his mouth; good source of info on the bats. Former alias "Robin", current one "The Red Hood".)

Name: Dick Grayson |

(Notes: Bruce's protege from a different version of his world. Knows Jason; apparently they're on bad terms. Took over Bruce's ridiculous superheroing crap as "Batman". Former alias "Robin".)

Name: Shuichi Shindou |

(Notes: A loud idiot that needs to cut down on his sugar intake. He wasn't a bad person though.. So..)

Name: Ryuichi Sakuma |

(Notes: Shuichi's senpai, also a singer. He's not what he seems- partially a good thing, in this case, if he weren't so dangerously sharp.)

Name: Fox McCloud |

(Notes: Despite appearing to be a fox, I guess he's some sort of alien race. A pilot; apparently not a shabby one, either. Ship is called Arwing. Duo knows more about him.)

Name: Wolf O'Donnell |

(Notes: Fox's superior, it seems? Tolerable personality. I could deal working with him.)

Name: Mello/M/J/K/U/Tristan Beeline |

(Notes: Someone going by several codenames. Whoever this is, they're sharp. Hard to pin down, too. Will need to investigate further when I have the time.)

Name: Tieria Erde|

(Notes: A Gundam pilot from an alternate universe. His suit seems to be artillary and heavy-arms based. Keep a cautious eye on.)

Name: Wally West |

(Notes: Alias: Kid Flash. Another superhero. Knows Bruce from his days as Batman, but appears to be from yet another alternate universe. Know Grayson, but not Todd. Superspeed.)

Name: Dick Grayson |

(Notes: Seems to be an alternate version of the one I've met. An annoying brat. Still going by the "Robin" alias.)

Last updated: 06/20/11

relations, meme, ooc, mostly harmless

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