So I did this colouring in Photoshop, which I've only just got. Then I tried to duplicate in GIMP. I doubt I did very well, but the effects for both are nice. (:
From [original --> photoshop or gimp]
Photoshop version uses > selective colouring
Gimp version uses > hue/sat, fill layers, channel mixer
Photoshop Version:
New Selective colour layer -->
- By lowering the cyans and reds, the icon becomes more red. But we don't like red -- we want it yellow! So that's what the '57' does -- it completely ups the yellows. I felt the yellows were now quite out-there so I darkened the reds slightly by upping the blacks.
- This is a fun layer I like to use, right now. By upping the cyans, the yellows in the image are a bit erm... but by lowering the yellows, the yellows take on a cool pinkish-white-blue shade.
- If there are any cyans in the image, this will make them way more vibrant. Hence, a lower magenta and yellow and wayy high cyan and black.
- I kind of wanted the white in the image to stand out without blinding you. So I made the blacks lower -- to make them brighter -- and then added cyan, 'cause cyan highlights are nice.(:
- This pretty much does what the rest of the image does. It adds cyans and takes away yellow. It was overbearing, so I added some black.
- This layer makes the darker areas alot more.. bluue. I took out hints of magenta and yellow but not too much -- blue, not blinding. Then I took out some black, to help it show through.
^ That is the photoshop version. (One layer - I know.) However, the effect it gives is pretty awesome no? Here comes the GIMP/psp version..
GIMP version
(Now that I look at them side by side, I've noticed this version also mutes the colours. That's nice. (: )
Note; Personally, before I do anything to my icon I always go to layer > new from visible. That way, If I don't like something, I can easily change it or delete the layer and start over. Everytime I do a new hue/sat layer or channel mixer layer on here, I've actually gone to layer > new from visible. Good for opacities. xD
1. We're going to start with a very simple channel mixer layer.
Red: 78.5
Green: 0
Blue: 0
The image should now be quite blue. Later on, we can work on getting the blue out, but right now, it's best to get all the colours in then slowly start to change them, xD
2. It's time for a fill layer. I thought my base was quite... dark to begin with. I wanted to lighten it up AND start to get rid of some of that blue we just added. I made a new fill layer of f9e9f6. I set that on soft light.
GAH! too bright. So, I lowered he opacity down to 42 %. See? Some of the blue has gone!
3. The thing is... with the past layer, the things that we want to be bright red have gone.. pink. To fix this, I went made a new Hue/Sat layer and entered the following:
Magenta Hue:
Green Sat:
Yellow Sat:
Master Sat:
So the above adjustments have made all magentas in the picture to a bright red. (Beware Magenta-skinned people!). By lowering the saturation of the green and yellow (two very closely linked colours) we're acheiving the effect made above. We lowered the saturation of the yellow and green -- and suddenly the cyan is brighter!
4. Ugh, too bright, me thinks. Actually, we need a little more red into it -- to make the skin tone more natural. A tan layer would've completely killed what we just did with the hue/sat so i chose a murky shade of pinkred. (It's a colour, now, okay?!) I used a2626b and set that to soft light. Voila! Skin tone.
5. In the selective colour layer, I turned the blacks into a blue. So I decided to do that here. I used 004242 on lighten, and that immediately 'stuck' to all the dark shades *cough* black *coughh* in the image.
If you think that's not enough, try duplicating the above layer and then setting it to multiply at a LOW opacity. (If it's high, the icon goes -ick-). xD
I hope you managed to stay with me this far, hehe. And I'd love to see results, to either of the above. xD Oh -- I'm writing at 1 in the morning (I'm smart. I know) so let me know if mistakes have appeared.