So, I have recommitted myself to working out. Basically, since I had that heel spur dx last summer, I've been walking a lot less. This semester I even used the transportation assistance on campus because my classes were so far apart. As a result I've gained even more weight and my knees are feeling it.
I deployed my Fluidity bar today and did a ballet tutorial to get back in form. It was grueling but good. Like, just holding poses, my muscles were burning all over and I was sweating and I felt good!
The Fluidity bar is a pretty cool item, but it does have its limits. For the exercises I am doing right now, they aren't very important, but basically, the bar is not very long. It is not very good for stretching one's leg up onto the barre, because the bar is short, so you have to move to one side in order to get a full extension and stretch. Not important for the very low-level workouts I am doing right now, but in the past it has been a pain, and once I get more advanced it might be a pain again.
I was looking at Fluidity reviews on Amazon (and here is something to say for it: people who actually use the workout instead of letting it gather dust LOVE IT. One reason I bought this bar was the many, many good reviews of it.) and Amazon had a related item and
it's a portable ballet barre! For a very reasonable price! Honestly if they had had this years ago I probably would have bought it instead. It is definitely something to keep in mind if I stick with ballet (which I sure hope to do.)
Right now, I have bought streaming access to Ballerobica's Level One ballet workout and that is what I will be doing. My goal is to do it twice a week. I also ordered some 8-pound dumbbells for upper body stuff. I'm not going to overdo it, but I do need to get in shape.