I had an epiphany a few days ago.
Some people are really suited to working in an office. Some people are suited to jobs with regimented schedules and micromanagement and office politics. I'm not suited to that. That environment makes me anxious and eventually depressed, and affects my physical health negatively
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Of course, homemaking is not valued because it has traditionally been considered "women's work." I know R doesn't value it, at least when I do it.
LOL actually I just ran this idea by Bon and he's cool with it: devoting half my time to making art and half of it to growing/sourcing food.
We actually live in such a state of automation, with so much access to resources, that technically not everyone "has" to "earn a living", but resources are controlled and hoarded.
I posted a link on FB/G+ about a family that gets by on $14,000 a year, and largely they do that because the wife makes or thrifts all their clothes, makes every bite of food that they eat, etc. And that's a lot of work, and I don't think people realize it. And (to her credit) Barbara Kingsolver broke down how much money the food she and her husband grew would have cost had they bought it, and again, it was several thousand dollars.
Good nutrition benefits us in terms of quality of life and in terms of medical bills NOT paid for preventable illnesses.
It's just sad that this kind of work isn't valued or even considered a job :/
Wanna come live on an urban compound with me? We can have chickens and bees and a big garden!
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