This is Serena Pie... she is the mama cat who brought her kittens to us last summer. We've been feeding her since then and thinking about keeping her... and I finally had the money to take her to SNAP, and she came to the house on a day when we were home and SNAP was open. This afternoon I went to check the mail and she came yelling at me over the fence. So I fed her and petted her, and put the cat carrier right inside the back door. When she was done eating, I petted her some more (she knew I was up to something, and got wary) and then when she was calm and lovey, I scruffed her, carried her to the door, and put her in the carrier. She didn't like it, not one bit. She whined and whined.
R was at a doctor's appointment and when he came home he was pleased to see her... he said that right around the corner, one of the neighborhood cats who looks a lot like her was dead, hit by a car. He had actually stopped his car and got out to check if it was her! I'm so glad she's alive and we snagged her.
At SNAP she tested negative for FIV and FeLV, and they wormed her, and said she's probably not pregnant. We are getting her spayed soon anyway. They also told me, though, that she would need to be quarantined from Opal for 60 days! I hadn't known that. We don't have room here to quarantine her... so I got on twitter and asked if someone could keep her for a few weeks (til we have the house and can put her there) and my old friend S offered to board her. We took her to S's apartment tonight and she is doing very well. S is an absolute treasure, and a great friend.
Serena Pie has some aggression toward other cats, and I am hoping that she and Opal will learn to like each other with time. if they just cannot get along, I think my sister CL will adopt Serena, as she wants a cat. Serena's kittens are too feral at this point to be adopted. A rescue is helping us spay/neuter then, and we will either move them to the new place, or to an established feral colony.
I'm pretty amazed that a non-Siamese cat won us over so... but a cat this sweet, this friendly, shouldn't be homeless.