Oct 29, 2009 00:19
I went to CVS tonight & stocked up on drugs. I have enough of some of the heavies to last me for months... need to pick up some more heavies tomorrow.
I've been worried for awhile about what I am doing to my liver. I ate so many pills on Monday that I am sure a chunk of my liver broke off and is rattling around in my lower abdomen. Last week I actually read an article that talked about the effect of long-term opioid use for the treatment of severe dysmenorrhea, and apaprently, many women in my position have the livers of long-term alcoholics. Good to know, eh? The article also mentioned a new drug in trials, one that's not an opioid but works on vasopressin to relax the smooth muscles. So the question is, do I hold out and wait for this drug to possibly become available? Or do I go ahead and get the hysterectomy? All year I've been planning to get the hysterectomy over winter break, but now I need to be working on remodeling and moving during that time. So it looks like I must wait for Spring break.
I hate the idea of removing a body part... I don't know how it might affect me in the long run, you know? But really, I can't go on like this.