
Aug 09, 2005 00:19

You're such a derd. Don't be a re-re.

"I'm gorgeous, but I'm slightly retarded."

My grandmother thinks that in order to get your children to obey you, you have to break their spirits at a young age.

And sitting at Steak N' Shake the other night, surrounded by various women (my two grandmothers, my mom, a family friend, an aunt, and my sister)and happily eating my chili and fries, my grandma got up from her chair, came over to mine, stuck her hand in my plate of fries, and said "You don't need to eat all of these, so I'm going to take some."

I just glared and flaunted my cheery consumption of fattening substances and talked openly of my nightly escapades. I'm sure she loved it. =o)

You scored 77 looks, 84 personality, 74 politics, and 75 sex drive!

You are beautiful, have a great personality, know youre politics, and have a high sex drive. You are the girl of any man's dreams. You know what you are doing in bed, you're fairly conservative, and you know how to treat your loved one. Men have been waiting for a girl like you all their lives. You probably know how to make sure that the ones you love are happy. You will make someone a great wife or girlfriend someday, if you haven't already. You're the kind of girl that everyone wants. You're probably fun in a conversation and I'm sure that you are as loveable as you are beautiful. You have a wonderful life ahead of you, make sure you live it to the fullest, and keep being the person that you seem to be.

Don't Forget to Take My Other 2 Tests

The Music (Rock That Is) Test

The One Question Test

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 62% on Appearance

You scored higher than 91% on Personality

You scored higher than 96% on Beliefs

You scored higher than 68% on Sexuality
Link: The What Kind of Girl are You Test written by ramonaaronperez on Ok Cupid


Lucid Complexity!
You are 66% individualistic!!

He he he,my favorite.Why?...because I am one of you.Do you know what lucid is?....if not,it means "simple".I'm sure you know what complexity is. Now I know what you might be thinking,why the hell are those two words together?...simple AND complex?????? WHAT? If you haven't figured it out by now! means exactly what it says it means,you are simple,yet you are complex.How?...take my case for example.I have plenty of tattoos,a blue mohawk(not a punk one by the way),and even a blue goatee.At first glance to someone walking down the street,I am simple.An idiotic moron who probably dropped out of school and wants nothing more than attention.But if they got to know me,they would see that it is the farthest thing from the truth.All my tattoos have beautiful meanings(mostly about my past,present,and future)my hair is blue because it is my favorite color,and I'm anti social.Therefore,the last thing I want is attention.You see where I am going with this? first glance you seem simple,but your anima is anything but simple.Therefore! are a Lucid Complexity! Be proud!

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on individualism!
Link: The differential psychology Test written by agnosticwithin on Ok Cupid


1) Pierce your nose or tongue?: nose

2) Be funny or serious?: both, at the right times

3) Boxers or briefs?: boxer briefs!

4) Drink whole or skim milk?: whole... mmm, the thickness....

. . . ARE YOU. . .

5) Simple or complicated?: both, depending on the situation or subject at hand

. . . DO YOU PREFER. . .

6) Flowers or angels?: flowers

7) Color or black ‘n’ white photos?: both, depending on the image

8) Love or lust?: LUST! and love

9) Sunrise or sunset?: both are great

10) M&M’s or skittles?: m&m's

11) Rap or rock?: rock, usualy

12) Staying up late or waking up early?: staying up late... and just not sleeping at all

13) TV or radio?: radio

14) Eating apples or oranges?: apples


15) Do you have a crush?: no

16) Who is it?: your mom


17) Being hot or cold?: hot

18) Tall or short people?: tall

19) Sun or moon?: both

20) Emeralds or rubies?: both... neither... no preference... depends on the outfit? lol

21) Left or right?: erm...

22) Have 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?: four best friends and some aqcuaintances

23) Sun or rain?: both

24) Vanilla or chocolate ice cream?: chocolate, except in milkshakes

25) Green beans or carrots?: green beans!

26) Low fat or fat free?: ick, neither


27) What is your biggest fear in the world?: hmm... i don't know

28) Kids or no kids?: kids

29) Cats or dogs?: DOGS! big ones

30) Half empty or half full?: half full

31) Mustard or ketchup?: both

32) Hard cover books or soft cover books?: soft

33) Newspaper or magazine?: magazine

34) Sandals or sneakers?: sandals, except when there's snow on the ground

35) Wonder or amazement?: both

36) Red car or white car?: red

37) Happy and poor or rich and sad?: happy and poor

38) Singing or dancing?: both... at the same time? lol

39) Hugging or kissing?: kissing!!!!

40) Corduroy or plaid?: corduroy

41) Happy or sad?: happy

42) Blondes or brunettes?: both

. . . ABOUT YOU. . .

43) What time is it?: 12:38am

44) Nicknames?: joy-beans, beanie, beanie-baby, bizzle, tumor, jaja, joy-joy

45) Names of siblings and ages?: bethy, 17

46) Names of parents?: jon and cathy

47) Birthdate?: August 18, 1986

48) Pets?: dogs - jackie, penny, and buzz; cat - phibes

49) Height?: 5'6" 1/2

50) Eye color?: hazel

51) Hair color?: reddish brownish

52) Piercings?: 2, ear.... so far =op

. . . WHAT DO YOU WANT . . .

53) Where do you want to live?: in the country... but not too far from the city

54) How many kids do you want?: 2.5... lol j/k

55) What kind of job do you want? a low-stress job that makes a difference and pays enough to live on without worrying

56) get married?: for shiz


57) 2 doors or 4 (on a car)?: 4... except on a sexy red sports car

58) Coffee or ice cream?: coffee

59) Shampoo or conditioner?: shampoo

60) Bridge or tunnels?: bridge

61) One pillow or two?: two

. . . FAVORITES. . .

62) Salad dressing?: red wine vinegar

63) Color of socks? : any

64) Food?: spicy!

65) Color?: all

66) Non-alcoholic drink?: water and shirley temples

67) Flower?: roses and jasmine

. . . RANDOM. . .

1 MINUTE AGO: filling out this thing and watching the discovery health channel

1 HOUR AGO: hangin' out with muh chicas

1 DAY AGO: shopping in grand rapids and spending money that was not my own!

1 WEEK AGO: making plans to see aaron

1 YEAR AGO: getting anxious about starting college

Current music: commercial music... yay, bowflex... lol

Current taste: water

Current status: content

Current attire: pj pants and a tank top

Current hair: loose pony tail

Current annoyance: ignorance, hypocracy, and overall dumbness in general

Current smell: a family member's nasty fart

Current thing I should be Doing: cleaning my room or job searching

Current desktop picture: pele rising... a great piece of artwork by... some guy
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