Rhae and E'dre talk a bit right after the hatching (yes, I'm cleaning logs)

Sep 15, 2011 19:03

Aug 18 12:06:04 2011.

Feeding Grounds, High Reaches Weyr
    Wedged between the lake and the rest of the vast bowl are the dusty feeding grounds. Here, the well-trampled ground is contained by a sturdy wooden fence, cutting right through one end of the lake to section it off into a muddy watering hole for the animals. Several gates allow people in and out, while at the back, large overhangs of rock provide the herd -- a mixed bag of herdbeasts, wing-clipped wherries, and fat porcines -- shelter from storms or the hot sun. What grass survives is usually bloodstained, but feeding troughs are stationed around the edges of the pen.
    Warm sunshine and cloudless skies make for a beautiful day and pleasantly warm evening. A breeze tempers the heat with no humidity lingering in the air.
Obvious exits:

Kesil gives a calculating look at the brownrider, hesitancy evident before he says, "Thankful? More trouble than they're worth?" These words seem to go right over the young man's head, as if they make no sense whatsoever. "There are people who would -kill- for a chance to stand the sands for impression."

"Of course. And they are hungry for a position they think is worth having. Some certainly have the better end of Impression, great friendship, constant source of someone taking care of you and such. My dragon?" He flicks his fingers at the brown who has lounged into the grasses with his head angled towards the green and her rider. "Broke shell and made it his duty to make my life miserable. He hated /everything/ I was about. We've been.. about 5 turns now? Things have mellowed out. Still. I never understood the envy of them."

Amareth bumps her weyrling with her muzzle at long last, her high pitched trill obviously meant to be soothing because Rhaelyn's braced shoulders ease down a little. There's a nod from the girl and aloud she murmurs, "You just becareful. But...go ahead." With that, the green turns and wobbles happily up to Wroth's head and curls up by his jaw with a yawn. "I may have to carry her back..." She tells the two men as she tries to gracefully rejoin their conversation without commenting on the tail end of the topic going on while she's been glassy-eyed.

Dragon> To Wroth, Amareth apologizes for her weyrling, << She can be so over protective. >> The soft pine-scent of her thoughts increases along with the brighter twinkle of lights as she peers into the elder dragon's thoughts, << What were we talking about? >>

Dragon> To Amareth, Wroth takes the pine-scent and adds to it his own smells: wood-burning after a lightening strike. He takes the twinkle of lights and twirls them around her head. << We were talking about bothering your rider. I was very good at that when I was your age. I can teach you how. >>

"I don't really understand..." Kesil replies, a brow raised as his holder roots show through. "The honour and glory, how can that be not worth the trouble?" He shakes his head, as if to clear this conflicting thought from his head, "I... I have to go. I need to go help out with the butchering." He gives a half-hearted smile to the brownrider and the same to the weyrling as she returns. "I'm sure it won't be the last time we meet."

Dragon> To Wroth, Amareth frolics in the smoke, dancing and spinning, at least in her thoughts, a little green shadow through the trees, << What good does that do? If I bother her, how will we ever get anything accomplished? >> Unlike the high pitched tones of her voice, her thoughts are quiet, calm and soothing.

"Holders," E'dre drawls out as he watches Kesil make his way back towards the Weyr. Wroth is more than delighted to have the little green settle next to him and he curls his body towards her as well. E'dre moves to perch on the fence, feet dangling below as he braces himself with his hands. He smiles at Rhaelyn. "How have things been? I feel like I never get to see you - and now you've got Amareth, and Weyrling chores and classes ahead of you. It will be a long time before we get alone. But now! You can journey with me somewhere all on your own."

The baby green is showing Wroth her cool tail. See how it's different than the others? The end is fun to tickle her clutchmates with, so she'll try it on him to see if it gets the same results. Rhaelyn watches warily but replies to E'dre, "What was he talking with you about? HE seemed so..." Her body shifts, turning to look where he walked off, "...fired up. Whatever it was." Now she climbs up onto the fence too, "She was asking who you were...I told her you saved me. I think she forgot all about that." And as for never seeing her? She lowers her chin, "You'll get over it I think."

E'dre reaches his hand out to cover hers, if she allows. "I don't get over it. I think about you a lot," he admits and then looks off towards the direction the butcher had gone. "I wasn't handling his Holder ideals the way he wanted me too. He was blabbering about bloodlines, rights, and 'staying in your places'. Then idolizing the rider-life, like he knows what it's all about." He shakes his head and puffs out a breath, "It's always annoying to talk to people like that. I'm not in the mood to play nice lately." Wroth allows the tickling and reaches his own rudder-like tail around to tap-tap-tap on the green's back.

There's a startled trumpet-scream from Amareth at the unexpected tap! Oooh, she should have seen that coming! Her eyes narrow at the big brown and she shoulders him before trumpeting again, playful this time--if rather grating on the ears. Rhaelyn's attention stays on E'dre for the most part, "Do you? Really?" Her hand even stays in place so he can catch it up. "Did you attend the hatching party? We didn't make it. The dragonhealer wanted to see her..." The way her lips flatten indicate it wasn't good news, but she moves along. "Sounds like he'll just /love/ us exiles then. Great. Is he just visiting here? Maybe he'll be leaving soon."

"I set him straight on the exiles," E'dre answers, giving her hand a squeeze. "And no, I didn't make it to the party after. Wroth likes to get away with me after we've seen a Hatching. We went to Igen and looked at the stars. The desert at night is breathtaking. You'll see one day for yourself." He frowns at the mention of the healer and looks to the pair of dragons who appear to be playing a game of tap and trumpet at each other. Wroth is in good spirits, he's enjoying the tickle-game.

Rhaelyn returns the squeeze to E'dre's hand, "Good. Thank you." A little nod to accent her pleasure in the man having been set to rights. "He did not seem very pleasing anyway." She drifts off in silence for a moment, sneaking a look over at her lifemate who is enjoying the game very much, and very easy to trick at this young age. "I want to see Igen. Ista. Southern Boll." All these warm, beautiful places. "So, what are people saying about so many of us impressing dragons? Are you....happy?"

Rhaelyn returns the squeeze to E'dre's hand, "Good. Thank you." A little nod to accent her pleasure in the man having been set to rights. "He did not seem very pleasing anyway." She drifts off in silence for a moment, sneaking a look over at her lifemate who is enjoying the game very much, and very easy to trick at this young age. "I want to see Igen. Ista. Southern Boll." All these warm, beautiful places. "So, what are people saying about so many of us impressing dragons? Are you....happy?"

Wroth opens the wing closest to Amareth and stretches it over her, draping it down so as to block her from the view of her rider. << Now to start the games. >> He waits until the green is distracted and then reaches his tail around to tap her nose. << Got'cha! >> Such playfulness is not something E'dre has seen before in the brown and it is cause for his wide smile as he watches the two interact. He shrugs his shoulders and gives her a a droll look. "I don't talk to many people, and when they're gossiping? I go the other way." He squeezes her hand and waits until she meets his gaze. "I'm very happy you Impressed. It means I have more time to win your affection before you run off with another man." He winks and grins.

Craning her neck up, Amareth's warble is a wavery, shrill sound as she watches, fearless. Her narrow head weaves back and forth as she tries to play-bite one of the wing-sail edges, but before she gets a good grip-she's nose-bobbed and squeals, romping out from under the wing. << We should play in the -water-. >> Rhaelyn's gaze is slow to lift, watching the hands. "It would be good to be able to get away." The girl agrees and looks up, offering a small smile to him. "Oh? And...how does a dragon man win a girl's affection? Careful though--I was told to avoid high emotions."

<< We can go to the water if you like >> Wroth rumbles as he pushes off of the ground and stands up. He gives himself a shake and then resettles his wings to his side - out of reach of a playful mouth. He looks to E'dre and Rhaelyn and trumpets a demand. E'dre shakes his head and sighs, moving to hop off of the railing. He offers Rhaelyn a hand down if she wants. "They want to swim - and Wroth is dirty enough for it. If you don't mind the walk over?" He waits until she's on the ground and then he leans in to place a chaste kiss on her cheek. "A man has his ways. And I know the restrictions you're under, I went through them myself you remember." He nods at Wroth who is nosing at Amareth to get her moving forward.

There's a playful mock-growl as Amareth cavorts around the larger dragon, her wounded wing held at an odd angle so it's out of her way as she dances around to 'get' Wroth. << Lake. LAKE! C'mon! >> Rhae allows the help down and even hip-bumps E'dre for his cheek kiss. "You're right, he's going to be a bad influence on her." But still she looks pleased, "I feel better than I have since the hatching I think. Maybe this won't be....all a huge failure." She watches as Amareth is nosed along, the little green blaring screams each time she is pushed, the girl will make her own way, in her own time, thank you very much.

Wroth is not bothered by the greens antics or noises. He, after all, thought not a vocal dragon delights in loudness. He continues to nose bump her along, gleeful in the taunting. << Get your little legs moving. If we don't hurry, the other dragons will have taken the best water. >> As they move along the fenceline towards the water, E'dre stuffs his hands in his pockets and grins at Rhaelyn. "It gets easier in time. I had.. a very rough time of it. All of it. But you get there." He nods to Amareth. "Give her time to grow into herself and she may just surprise everyone."

Rhaelyn doesn't say anything as they walk, she's worriedly looking after the green who nearly tumbles a time or two at the pushing and the screaming volume is only getting worse. Someone walking upon them might think she was being killed. The waves of amusement that flow from the little green are difficult for someone with a dragon to mistake though, << I go at my won speed. I am /sure/ that you will find us the best spot no matter what. >> Ever so reasonable, even as she belts out another shrill cry as she nearly falls over. Rhae shakes her head, looking at E'dre with a wounded look, "I....didn't really want a green." She admits while the dragon is distracted. "I don't want to be one of 'those' women."

Wroth is nothing but patient, adding a paw here and a nose there to steady the ungainly green. Soon enough the four of them have come to the lake shore and as Wroth predicted, it is full of activity at this time of the day. But at the section they have come onto, there is no one in view and the shallows are just before them. The brown ambles down the sand and waits for Amareth before he steps into the water. E'dre finds he and Rhaelyn a log to sit on to watch the dragons. He takes his time in replying, and when he does he's reaching for that hand again. "That's a misconception. My dear friend, Ebeny? She rides a green and is a solid woman. Has two kids, a weyrmate, is an assistant weyrlingmaster. She doesn't much care for flights." He colors a little at the mention of flights and then shakes his head. "I didn't want to even stand on the sands, but did it anyway. When I walked away with Wroth, I was taken aback. A brown.. leads to an interesting life. But I couldn't have wanted another color at this point."

The little green tromps across the sand once they reach it, digging her paws in deep as she gallops in that goofy way of baby dragons. It's more of a belly-flop than a dive but into the water she goes and she's soon swimming gracefully atop the surface of the water, using her tail to drive her forward. Now that she's safe in the water, Rhaelyn can let out the breath she was holding. "I...always worried she's going to scratch herself up and we'll have even /more/ time with the dragonhealers." She coils fingers around E'dre's and smiles at him shyly. "Would you have liked me more if I'd have gotten that gold? I...wanted it so bad."

"No, because then I'd be fighting with bronzeriders more than I already do," E'dre replies witha laugh. He lifts her hand to his lips for a kiss and then pats the top of hers with his other hand. "I think the pairing worked out just fine. You'll see - green is not so bad. You can even talk to my clutchsib, Leova. Her and Vrianth are tough little fighters. No nonsense and all that. She put up with me all these turns, after all." Wroth doesn't swim so much as wallow, his head above the water as he watches Amareth swim around. He blows bubbles and dives under. << Bet you can't find me! >>

"When do you fight Bronzeriders?" Rhaelyn can't help herself, she stares at E'dre as though seeing him for the first time. Her lashes flutter closed a moment when he kisses her hand and she squirms a little next to him. "I...don't think Amareth is going to be able to...do what I want. No eggs for her...." In the water, the green lifts her head and peers over at her weyrling, even distracted she can feel something amiss there--but--there's a Wroth to find! << I...cannot see you! >> She's hunting above the water for him, not wanting to get her head wet you see.

"Then you'd also have the added responsibility of being a Junior to Tiriana. I don't think you'd have wanted that. Besides, there is more to all this than eggs," E'dre nods to the pair playing in the water. "If she were going to mature and have eggs - you'd be stuck on warm sands until they were done. And the /workload/ you'd face.. not worth it." He spreads his hand out in front of him, grinning at her. "I used to get into quite the argument with W'chek. He didn't care much for my weyrmate." His mouth shuts suddenly and he shakes his head, not elaborating further. Wroth comes up slowly underneath Amareth, sneaking, and when he surfaces he's got her straddled on his back. << Can you see me now? >> he asks, thunder-booming in a laugh.

"So...? At least I would have had some -power-." She scowls out at her lifemate, the future she's stuck with and sighs quietly, "What /will/ I do now?" Her body leans in towards E'dre, "You have a weyrmate? That...that's like a wife right?" The lean in is short lived, her fingers squirming as though she'd try to get free. Out in the water, Amareth is distracted from any comment she'd make to her weyrling by the sudden uplift of brown dragon coming up under her. A shrill squawk and fanning of wings that batter against Wroth's neck and shoulder. << What are you doing?! That is not fair! You are *bigger*! >> She's only about the size of a foal rather than a full grown brown dragon.

"No, I don't anymore. We.. well. Let's just say we ended it," E'dre admits and shrugs, not going into details. "But yes you can consider that like husband and wife. But we understand each other's limitations at times. You can't stay monogomous, even if you'd want to, with a dragon." He smiles at her, keeping firm hold of her hand. "Don't get fidgety. I wouldn't flirt with you if I was attached. Don't think of me so little." Wroth doesn't budge, keeping Amareth snug on his back. He's still laughing. << Of course I am bigger. I will /always/ be bigger than you. If you are ready I will let you down. >> And so saying, the brown drops below the surface once more. "There are plenty of things you can still do, that have /power/ Rhaelyn. Weyrsecond, even. If you want it."

Amareth peers over the edge of Wroth's head and right into his eye, upside-down like. << I will be /faster/. >> She assures him while swatting his neck with that scorpian tail of hers. << Then you will always be behind me. >> Confident and cheerful as she is already comforting the big brown. "I...no, I guess I don't think you'd flirt with me, and hold my hand if you had someone else. But since you're not expected to be faithful...what would it matter?" This is the confusing part to her and she watches him for any hint of an answer. "You think....wait...a greenrider can be weyrsecond?"

"You can't help it when a flight happens, but you can when one isn't," E'dre adds, heaving a sigh as he leans back on the log. He tosses his hand through his hair. "That I don't agree with." He glances at her and smiles. "Many things can happen. You could, as far as I know. If you're qualified. Even if a green can't last a whole Threadfall, you can still do the assisting to the Weyrleader just as well." Wroth lets loose bubbles from beneath the surface, letting them tickle at Amareth's stomach and sides. He submerges a distance away from her, blue-eyes flashing against the lake's water. << I will have a hard time chasing you down, yes. >>

Rhaelyn laughs in response to the bubbles that tickle Amareth out on the lake and swats at E'dre, not really meaning to connect with him, "And you say your lifemate is crabby! He's making her day you know." And indeed Amareth is trying to bite at the brown through the water, full of growls and protests. Mostly she gets a mouth full of bubbles though. "I don't know that the leadership will allow that. We're exiles. They just....have their hooks in now." She moistens her lips, worried. "I am glad ... I ran into you today. I had not seen you in so long. I thought maybe you were upset about Zev."

E'dre rubs at the back of his neck, looking at her. "Did you... with him...?" he asks, not wanting to but can't help himself for asking. He doesn't stay latched onto the subject and instead looks out to where Wroth has surfaced and continues to taunt the little green with more bubbles, tickling, and playful antics. "He is who he is. He's always grumpy with me. I haven't ever seen him take interest in a weyrling before, to be honest. But he's an odd one. He does adore the greens." A shrug.

Rhaelyn snorts and her face twists with disgust, "Are you -kidding-? Gross!" Poor Zev, "Not that he didn't try every trick in the book to get between my thighs." She combs a hand through her hair, ever so haughty. "I don't need any 'help' with my sexuality." The other hand stays in E'dre's though, despite the frost in her words. In the water Amareth has finally tried to put her head under water, but bobs right up with much coughing and sputtering.

"Good," E'dre replies, relief clear in his face and tone. He laughs, looking to her. "I can't imagine someone being so foreceful about it. It takes all the fun out of it - if you have to /talk/ someone into it." He looks out at the dragons playing and shakes his head with an easy smile. "They do make a pair, those two. It's nice to see Wroth behaving.. like a happy dragon." Wroth chuckles, lifting his tail up and then slapping it down on the water to create little ripples of waves towards Amareth.

Rhaelyn nudges E'dre, "Really? You were worried? Ick." Another look of disgust at the thought of getting lured into that. "You should see the earings and necklaces and hair clips he wanted to 'trade' for me sleeping with him though." Now she can't help herself, she has to tease, "What will you give me?" Surely she can't be serious right? Her eyes trail away, towards her lifemate and Wroth, "Maybe he was just waiting for the right dragon to be a friend to. She likes everyone. Trusts everyone too." Amareth rides out the wave, ducking her muzzle so that it cuts through the wake and lets out a gusty blast of breath before slapping her tail right back at him. The splash is followed by a watery shriek.

E'dre makes his own disgusted face. "That man. I swear, he's lucky I haven't tracked him down and shoved my fist into that big nose of his." Wroth has grown tired of the water and eases his way out onto the shore where he promptly goes about rooting out a wallow to lounge in. He flops down with a groan and spreads his body out rather comically. << I am tired. Lets rest for a while. >> E'dre notes the brown's fatigue and laughs, "I think she's worn him out. And I'm hungry. Would you like to come with me for some early dinner?"

Rhaelyn nods her head, "I would like that." She slips up to stand, "I'll just get her back to the barracks and we can go? Um...living cavern?" Amareth floats to the shore like a green leaf and twitters tauntingly at the brown. "C'mon Ams....lets get you onto your couch while you can still walk."


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