Plan C

Aug 10, 2011 22:03

It is a summer night, 22:03 of day 16, month 6, turn 26 of Interval 10.

Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr(#350RJs)
    Stalactites hang high above this enormous cavern like a jagged chandelier or an inversion of the Spires themselves, but shadows cling to them instead of light. Below lie great tables arranged in rows, each large enough to serve a fighting wing, while in the nooks and alcoves around the cavern's edge sit more sensibly-sized tables, from six- and eight-seaters down to intimate spots for just a couple of diners. The only really open space is around the kitchen entrance, smelling of food and rarely quiet, and by the nearby serving tables with their long buffet of the day's offerings.
    Tapestries on the smooth walls -- some faded and others newly woven -- only slightly mute the sea of sound when a meal is in full swing, but they add cheerfulness augmented by the glowlight from wall sconces and the centerpieces of each table. Still, shadows always creep along the ceiling and into the mouths of the exits -- the myriad small hallways at one end of the cavern and, at the other, the twisting tunnel to the bowl near an array of coathooks and and hatracks -- and late at night, when the glows are allowed to dim, the chamber can seem very dark indeed.
Obvious exits:
Inner Caverns  Kitchen  Bowl
"Cleaning the ground weyrs." Elgin's nose wrinkles up, as he pushes himself away from the wall with the leg that was angled against it. "What were you looking at?" His glance flickers upward to a tapestries before considering the island harper again.

"I had firestone Sacking." Emme admits, gesturing towards her still damp hair. "First thing - scrub myself senseless after that. Gosh, firestone /reeks/." Everyone knows that, but for some reason she whispers that, as if it's a secret that the riders obviously keep to themselves for some strange reason. "Just kind of looking, really. The tapestries usually tell of a story or event. Threadfall, a Gather, a Wedding... some momentous happening. Thought it might be nice to see what High Reaches found important, right?"

Elgin seems to linger on Emme's thought for a moment before he speaks. "I like the ones of threadfall." He admits as quietly as the woman speaks of firestone. He's done his own thoughtful dance around the room. "The idea that it is possible to fight it, not just huddle in a cave and..." he breaks off and fixates on her other topic, "Yah, I hate those days. No one comes near me after I've bagged, it's a good work out though.

Walking slowly from the inner caverns, Rhaelyn looks both sunburned and bemused. Her hair is wind blown and ruffled thanks to whatever she was out doing to get that rosy glow. "Hello." Passing by Emmeline and Elgin she glances to see what they are looking at but aside from a slowing of her steps, she doesn't linger to annoy them.

"I know." Emme's expression turns sad again for a moment, pulling down at the corners of her mouth. "And it was all so avoidable. But we can make a different here. Now. I hope." Whatever she means by that is forgotten, or set aside to agree with Elgin on the dangers of getting firestone duties. "I expect I'll be barely able to lift my arms tomorrow. Oh hello there, Rhaelyn." she calls over her shoulder, when the other woman walks by.

There is a sadness in Elgin's face that mirror's Emmeline's for a moment. He nods solemnly at her comment though his understanding of what she has said may be different than what she meant, at least for once between the two there is a consensus. "Hey Rhae..." But he trails off as the girl just walks by, the brief appreance of a look of hurt is masked with a smile at the harper-candidate, "Well from what I understand of weyrlinghood, if you impress the muscles will be helpful."

Grabbing up a much needed glass of juice the girl takes a couple long pulls from it before getting a refill and then she grabs up a peach from the bowl. Refreshed, Rhaelyn can wander back over to the others, taking her time though so she can take a bite or two of the snack, "Have either of you ever ridden on one of those runner-beasts?" There's a guarded eagerness in the question, trying to hide her emotions in case their sorrowful expressions might be for her tip-toeing into the conversation.

"That's an awefully big 'if'. But I imagine that's why they make all of us, even the most unlikely, do the same chores." Emme's shoulders lift a bit, as if trying to fathom the minds of the weyrleadership is just too large a task to attempt at the moment. And instead, turns her attention towards Rhaelyn. "I haven't. Did you just have the opportunity? I'd bet that was *fun*." she encourages, not seeming at all put out by the others arrival into the conversation.

"If the person was searched it isn't that unlikely." Elgin offers in encouragment to Emme who, at least to him, seems to be doubting her ability to impress, but his attention is stolen by Rhaelyn, who receives a smile as she approaches, "No, but I've watched some of the beastcrafters ride. It seems...envigorating."

"It good." Rhaelyn agrees, but so guarded about confessing that she actually liked something that it almost doesn't seem 'fun'. Still, better to be cautious or less have it taken away right? "One of the beastcrafters....showed me how. The equipment is very complicated though." Her gaze shifts between them and she takes a bite of fruit to prevent from blathering on about the activity. Still, the particular shine in her eyes is a dead give away. "So, there are lots of bets going on about when the eggs are going to hatch. Like, any -moment- now." Fun to taunt those who may, or may not have robes prepped. "You ready?"

Emmeline nods an agreement at Elgin's encouragement. A careful nod. "I just don't wish to get my hopes up. There are some who make it sound like they'll have nothing to live for if they don't impress. Some of the younger ones. Thirteen turns, maybe fourteen? I don't ever want to think like that." she explains, though her lips curl upwards at even the guarded excitement from Rhaelyn. "That does sound interesting. Did you get to run in a field?" she wonders, wrinkling her nose when mention is made of all the betting. "Ready as I'll ever be. I just wish, at this point, it were done with!"

"Which is funny..." Elgin says in a not amused tone at all, "Because they are young enough to stand again." He grins at the folly of the youthful - or the more youthful. "Rhae, that sounds amazing, I've seen them move, it just looks..." He smiles, he hasn't experienced, he doesn't have the words, he leaves the blank unfilled so that Rhae can fill it for him. His face takes a pink coloring as she asks if he has a robe ready, strange for a boy who isn't easily frazzled. "I tried to make my own..." He offers, trying to sound casual. When he fails at that he offers an explanation. "When I tried it on it was..uh - Very...uh...short." He grimaces and can't make contact with either female, "And then the stitching came apart and it fell off..." He doesn't mention that this all happened in front of a crowd in the barracks. Word may have already gotten out anyway.

"Aren't all, or most, of those candidates old enough to stand again?" Elgin and Emmeline included in that lot. "I am confident that we will have a lot of matches." With the number of exiles out there, it has to be good right? As for the runner she gives a small shrug, "No, we didn't get to go far, just a...trot...around the stables, in their training area. It was...very bouncy." There's that grin again, bigger this time before she ahems and schools it. It helps that Elgin draws her attention to his problem, "I can help you Elgin. They look very simple. You wouldn't want to bare your ass on hatching day. Would you?" Maybe he would!

"Oh, yes. But some seem to think it's a big deal not to impress, even if there are other chances. It's usually the ones that giggle and simper and act like brainless idiots who think that way though." Which brings a pained expression to Emme's face. "Bouncy, huh?" For some reason, coupled with Elgin's remarks, well... the pseudo-harper just has to bite on her lower lip and duck her head a bit to stifle a bit of laughter threatening to bubble over. "There are also old candidate robes. You can try on a few of those as well." she suggests, along with Rhaelyn. "I'm relatively sure it's not his ass he's concerned about baring." she stage-whispers at the other woman.

"Most of the non-islanders are." Elgin shrugs, "Most kids that age are brainless idiots...I was." He offers as if it will make up for the insult, "And I'm sure Aella will be too." He admits of his sister. "Though girls don't seem to be as bad as boys." He glances at Rhae, "How old was I when I put the fish heads in your shoes?" The question is marked by a proud, boyish smile, which disappears, replaced by a deep red color and a grimace at Emme's comment. Which is strangely, exactly what he was wearing the day of the incident- all he was wearing. "Yah, not so much the butt." He eyes Emme with a look of mock anger. "Yah, but most of them are made for kids who aren't quite as tall as me. I saw some ones that were big enough but they weren't the same pretty white as the rest."

Rhaelyn smirks too, and slides an impish look over at Elgin before sharing in on Emme's near-laughter. Her cheeks go pink at the insinuation of what else Elgin might be baring and she quickly takes a sip of her juice. OH, this just will not do. "I think that Ylynna will have a fit." There's no way to disguise her eagerness to witness that. "Oh, I think you were about sixteen." Comes to answer for Elgin's age when he started the 'war' with her so long ago. Not true of course, but she's not going to let him slip by that easily. "I'll help you with the robe. I know a thing or two about needle and thread. If I could adjust those wedding dresses turn after turn, that robe should be easy. Mara needs help with hers too."

Any tricks that have something to do with fish make Emme turn green; always have, and always will. And now is no exception. She even sets her unfinished soup down on the nearest table and takes a small breath. Whew. "I would take that help if I were you. I'd offer, but I'm only good for mending." Apologetic, but only just barely. "The only robes I can find are sleevesless and shapeless. The shapeless is fine. I'd just prefer sleeves." she admits. "And white, instead of off white or stained is understandably preferable I'd think Elgin."

"Emmeline..." Is chuckled at the girl's reaction to the pranks Elgin use to pull on his, now, female counterpart. Assuredly the more mature half the pair, Rhae, is given a grin, "I was not /that/ old. I couldn't have been too much older than Aella is now." He rolls his eyes at Rhaelyn before nodding, "Help would be greatly appreciated. Something tells me that steaking on the sands may not be the best way to impress...especially if the hatchlings are hungry and looking for strips of meat..." He need no imbellish, though it is clear that living in the tight quarters in the mixed population has made him lose some of his prude-islander-ness. "Yah, sleeves would be nice." He agrees with Emme, more for her sake than his own, "Though I would like to show off my stunning figure..." He chuckles.

Rhaelyn shows the depth of her maturity by sticking out her tongue at Elgin. "So says you. I say your memory is faulty." she finishes up the fruit and licks fingertips. "I can add sleeves. Easy." Working with new fabric and modern tools makes all the difference right? There's a gasp at Elgin's meat-strip remark and she reaches out to swat at him, "/So/ crude! If you want to show off your body, maybe you should wear one of those shorty-robes." Oh, is asking for Rhae's help on a robe /really/ a good idea?

Emmeline makes a face at Elgin for his chuckling at her. "Don't even..." she warns, holding up a hand. But where Rhaelyn gasps and seems a bit outraged with the guy's next words, the harper wheezes with laughter. "Oh you -didn't-. Oh shards, there are some images we just don't *need*." she protests, squeezing her eyes shut as if it will help. "I... thanks Rhae. If I can't find one by the end of the day, I'll being something by for you to add sleeves to if you've time. In fact, I should go do that now I think." Before she laughs more. Ahem. "A pleasure to speak to both of you!" Lalalala.

Elgin seems unworried about Emme's warning but he does let it go. A grin spreads across his face as he joke alternately gets him smacked in the arm and gets a good laugh. He waves after the harper, though there is a worried look, "Shards, I better get on the robe thing too, it really could be tonight couldn't it." The boy's look is unmasked now, nervousness is written into it, nerves and excitement. He smiles, "You would help? I trust you cause I'm pretty sure you don't want any other girls eyeballin' me." He gives her a wink, the look is gone replaced by his normal girn.

Rhaelyn nods after Emmeline in agreement about being able to help and watches the girl depart. Now she can grin back at Elgin with less of a mask about that sly grin, "You had better do it /soon/. I heard someone saying the weyr is getting everything prepped up for a fest and everything. You don't want to be behind too many people." Who knows how many people she has on the string currently. As for other girls eyeballing the young man, she just goes pink and crinkles up her nose while trying to hide her reaction, "Why, it sounds like you're already showing off your goods."

"Yah, I hear the eggs are going to crack any minute..." Elgin glances around, it is late now, and the caverns have emptied, still Elgin takes a step towards the girl, ducks his head down toward her, just inches from her, anyone watching might think they are having an intimate conversation. And in someways, at least for them, perhaps they are, "And what are your plans?" A grin creeps across his face, "What I do and what you want other girls to do are two entirely different things."

Rhaelyn looks around as Elgin steps closer and her cheeks burn through the sunburn on her cheeks. Or maybe he can just feel the heat left on her from her time under the sun. She tips her head in closer to his, almost touching, "I'm get out onto those sands. Think anyone will even notice me if I have a robe on like everyone else?"

"Hmmm..." The deep hum from Elgin is his only response for a moment. Then he shakes his head, softly, careful not to hit her's with his. "No, not really. Not with as many people they have crammed in there, besides they are use everyone in those dorms putting on white and running out. From what I hear there wouldn't be time for them to try and sort anyone." Chaos. That's what he's heard. Sheer chaos. "You know if we, or just one of us impresses..." He reaches out and grabs her hand, but leaves the rest unsaid.

Rhaelyn's hand in grabbed and she allows it to be trapped as she flashes a little smile. "Maybe someone I can trust something to distract them so they don't notice until it's too late." There's a sparkle of excitement in her eyes. Try to stop her will they?! "The riders say that even with a lot of eggs on the sands, it's over /so/ fast." Her fingers squeeze around his and she suddenly lowers her gaze, "What if only one of us impresses?" A lop-sided sort of partnership.

Elgin squeezes the hand in his tightly, and holds, "I think someone you trust might be willing to do that, so maybe that someone should try to make his own robe again." His smile falters as she lowers her gaze, "If either one of us impresses, or both...No relationships, no high emotions, for the hatchling's sake - it can cause them to freak out and ..." His gaze lowers too for a moment, but then he brings his hand up under her chin, to lift her gaze to hers if she'll allow it. "But, if you want, we'll figure it out..." It's a promise, but he knows how she is about believing him.

Rhaelyn draws Elgin's hand closer with a tug of her hand around his. Her head stays bowed for now though, "No high emotions? How is one to stop /that/?" NOt that Rhae usually has high emotions about much. When his fingers come to touch her chin she startles and her head comes up, her eyes find Elgin's with a sly little smile. "I can -still- help you with your robes." And also, she lowers her voice but her words are confident, "We will work through whatever happens."

Elgin closes his eyes for a drawn moment and when he opens them a slow smile creeps across his face, "Oh good, so when you impress a gold and I'm left with burned feet you won't forget about me.." He shrugs at her other question, "I don't know, they teach you, but to make sure there are no relationships and no alcohol." The two things that cause most high emotions. "For the first year..." He titls his head to one side, "And you will make sure my cheeks don't hang out the bottom?" He looks towards the inner caverns, "We should probably get started on that...Then you can make one for yourself too, and if anyone asks you can say its for me." Elgin. The best alibi ever.

"Oh Elgin. How will I ever forget the boy who put fish in my slippers?" Rhaelyn's smile stays the same, "I will need someone to help me fetch fresh meat." Would she really ask him to do that? It's Rhae here. She leans in a little more, her voice a feather light brush of lips against his ear, "I think we can both keep our emotions at bay for a whole year." They've waited their whole lives right? There's a little kiss to his cheek then, staying close to him. "C'mon then, lets go get you fitted for your short-robe. And...thank you."

Elgin squeezes the hand that fits so nicely in his one more time, and then lets himself be led away for robe making duty.

elgin, emmeline

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