The Friday Five for December 27th, 2024.
1. What is the most adventurous food you've ever tried?
- Probably my dad's skunk stew. He went hunting for deer and only got a squirrel and a skunk which he made into a stew and my sisters and I actually loved it. It tasted like chicken.
- Other things I've tried: Menudo, a traditional Mexican dish made with cow's stomach and intestines. It literally tasted like poop. I actually was on a date with a guy and had to run to the bathroom to throw up. (I am SO SORRY to people who enjoy this soup. I do not mean to offend!)
- I've also been tricked into trying rocky mountain oysters. (Hint: they are NOT oysters.) I found out afterwards that they are actually bull testicles.
- Meats I've tried: venison, bison, buffalo, quail, lamb, veal, goat, pheasant, elk, antelope, mutton, goose, duck, wild turkey... probably more that I'm not remembering.
2. What is the most adventurous food you'd be willing to try?
Since becoming mostly kosher in 2005 I am not as willing to try crazy stuff. My sister has tried alligator sausage and turtle soup when she was volunteering for Hurricane Katrina clean up in Louisiana. I may have been willing to try those things back then but probably not now.
3. Would you have a problem eating dog meat and why or why not?
I would not. Mainly because it is not kosher. Also because dogs are pretty dirty and some of them eat their poop and vomit and whatnot.
4. For the most part, do you consider your diet to be balanced?
I don't think so. I wish it were. I eat entirely too much grains and not enough fruits and vegetables.
5. Which is more appealing: being a vegetarian for the rest of your life or being a strict carnivore for the rest of your life?
Neither one sounds appealing!!!! I guess I'd rather be a vegetarian than only ever eat meat which would be a very boring diet indeed and probably extremely unhealthy.
Survey stolen from
spikesgirl58, questions originally suggested by